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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. 她晚上经常来聊天。
She often drops in for a chat in the evening.

2. 我上学的时候,礼拜天经常上那儿去。
When I was a student, I used to go there on Sundays.

3. 小职员经常上写字楼附近的一家咖啡馆去。
The clerks frequented the cafe near their offices.

4. 她经常上我们这儿来买东西。
She is a regular customer of ours.

5. 这种事情经常发生。
This sort of thing is a common occurrence.

1. 他地震后竟得以幸存,此事实在近乎奇迹。
The fact that he had survived the earthquake was really little short of (or, nothing short of ) being marvelous.

2. 他的话已近乎无理了。
What he had said borders on insolence.

3. 工厂现在正处于一种近乎倒闭的状态。
a) The factory is now in a state of near bankruptcy.
b) The factory is now on the verge of bankruptcy.

4. 她近乎六十了。
a) She is close to (or, close on ) sixty.
b) She is approaching sixty.
c) She is getting on for (or, going on for ) sixty.

5. 他月收入近乎一万元。
His monthly income approximated to ten thousand dollars.

1. 尽管穷, 他还是拼命装门面。
Poor as he was, he tried hard to keep up appearances.

2. 他最近尽管买了汽车,其实是欠了一身债。
Although he has bought a car recently, he is actually up to his ears in debt.

3. 尽管我们一再劝他, 他还是越来越喜欢那女孩子。
In spite of all the advice we gave him, he took to that girl more and more.

4. 尽管他细心策划, 结论还是错了。
For all his careful planning, he still came to a wrong conclusion.

5. 尽管他有这许多缺点,他还是个好人。
With all his faults, he is still a good man.

6. 乔治和我都认为这本书很有意思,尽管我们对作者的一些观点彼此看法不一样。
George and I found the book very interesting even if we didn't see eye to eye about some of the author's view points.

1. 她结婚的时候仅仅十六岁。
She was only sixteen when she got married.

2. 仅仅成年,他就挑起养家的担子了。
He supported the family when he was barely of age.

3. 这仅仅是个时间问题。
It's merely a matter of time.

4. 哪怕到了四十岁,他在母亲眼里也仅仅是个孩子。
Even at the age of forty he was no more than a child in the eyes of his mother.

Argument and Discussion 争论和讨论

A: It's really a hard nut for us to crack.
B: Yeah. Let's put our heads together and see if we can do
  something about it.
A: I suggest we ask the engineer for help first.
- 这对我们来说是个难题。
- 是啊,我们大家都动动脑筋想想办法。
- 我建议首先找工程师来帮一下忙。

A: It's very important for us to clarify the ownership of the
B: I beg to differ with you on this matter. It's the price that
  bothers us.
A: But we can bargain with him as long as we're certain this house
  is his.
B: OK.
- 我们把房屋的所有权弄清楚很重要。
- 请允许我在这件事上有不同意见,让我们头疼的是价格。
- 但是我们在确定房屋是他的后就可以讨价还价。
- 好吧。

A: I think reading extensively is the key to mastery of English.
B: I'm afraid I have a different opinion. Recitation to me is the
  best way.
A: Why?
B: When you have the language in your mind, it won't be difficult
  for you to read, write or translate.
A: It's easier said than done.
- 我认为广泛阅读是学习英语最好的办法。
- 恐怕我不同意你的看法,背诵在我看来是最好的办法。
- 为什么?
- 如果你能在头脑中记住这种语言,读、写、译就不会困难了。
- 说起来容易做起来难。
A: Shakespeare is the greatest master of language. I think this
  point is made clear without debate.
B: I'm afraid I can't agree with you on this. Recent research has
  found that he just happened to be famous.
A: What do you mean by "happened to be famous"?
B: Not all of his works were better than those of his
  contemporaries. They just happened to be read more by people.
- 莎士比亚是最伟大的语言大师,我认为这一点是不言自明的。
- 这一点上我恐怕不能同意你的意见,最近的研究表明他是偶然出名的。
- 你的“偶然出名”是什么意思?
- 并不是他的所有作品都比同时代的作家好,只不过是碰巧很多人读到了
A: I think we can solve those difficult ones first.
B: I'm afraid I can't accept your argument. We should do it step
  by step.
A: But these are too easy for us.
B: Sometimes it's just the easy ones that confuse us.
- 我认为我们可以先解决那些难的。
- 我恐怕不能接受你的论点。我们应该循序渐进。
- 可这些对我们来说太容易了。
- 有时就是那些简单的东西难住我们。
A: I'm not convinced by your explanation.
B: Which part is not clear?
A: The whole of it. Could you explain it from the beginning to the
  end once again?
B: I really can't do that. There's little time left for us.
- 你的解释不能使我信服。
- 哪部分不清楚?
- 都不明白。能否再从头到尾解释一遍?
- 不行,时间不够了。

Easy and Difficulty

A: They say Russian is very difficult to learn.
B: But I think it's as easy as shelling peas(原义:剥豌豆).
A: Can you give me some suggestions?
B: Sure.
- 人们说俄语很难学。
- 但是我觉得没什么。
- 给我点建议好吗?
- 没问题。

A: It's difficult for me to remember all the lines.
B: Yet I can do it blindfold.
A: Don't talk big any more.
- 记住所有台词对我来说太难了。
- 我闭着眼睛都能做到。
- 别说大话了。

A: I think I can never hope to learn to dance.
B: But dancing is as easy as falling off a log.
A: Maybe I'm too slow.
- 我想我永远也学不会跳舞了。
- 很容易嘛!
- 也许我太笨了吧。

A: How are you getting on with your project?
B: Very well. It's all plain sailing.
A: But you should also be very careful about it.
- 你的项目进展怎么样?
- 很好,非常容易。
- 但你也应该小心仔细些。

A: Do you like your boss?
B: No, he's a hard nut to crack.
A: Why?
B: He's too strict with his employees.
- 你喜欢你的老板吗?
- 不,他很难对付。
- 为什么?
- 他对雇员太严格了。

A: We were assigned the task yesterday.
B: Is it easy?
A: By no means. It's a tall order.
- 昨天我们被分配给这项任务。
- 好做吗?
- 一点也不容易,简直难透了。
A: How are you getting on with your project?
B: Very well. It's all plain sailing.
A: But you should also be very careful about it.
- 你的项目进展怎么样?
- 很好,非常容易。
- 但你也应该小心仔细些。

A: Do you like your boss?
B: No, he's a hard nut to crack.
A: Why?
B: He's too strict with his employees.
- 你喜欢你的老板吗?
- 不,他很难对付。
- 为什么?
- 他对雇员太严格了。

A: We were assigned the task yesterday.
B: Is it easy?
A: By no means. It's a tall order.
- 昨天我们被分配给这项任务。
- 好做吗?
- 一点也不容易,简直难透了。
Getting or Expressing Opinions

A: What would you say to UFO?
B: I think it's mere fiction.
A: But some people have seen them with their own eyes.
B: Maybe they're having illusions.
- 你怎么看待飞碟?
- 我认为那是虚构的。
- 可有些人亲眼看到的。
- 也许是幻觉吧。

A: What's your reaction to his comment on poetry?
B: It's too abstract to me.
A: Perhaps he should give us more illustrations.
B: I feel the same.
- 他对诗的评论你有什么见解?
- 对我来说太抽象了。
- 也许他应该多做些阐明。
- 我有同感。

A: I'd be glad to have your view on my thesis, Professor Brown.
B: Well, I'm afraid it's a bit longer than necessary.
A: Then I'll try to shorten it. Thank you.
- 布朗教授,我很想听听您对我论文的看法。
- 我想没有必要那么长。
- 那么我就缩短一点,谢谢。

A: I'm convinced that his plan is feasible.
B: But the problem is that we don't seem to have the cash needed.
A: I think we'd better ask for a loan from the bank.
- 我相信他的计划是可行的。
- 可问题是我们没有所需的现金。
- 我想我们最好从银行里贷款?

A: I'd say you're very happy these days.
B: How do you know?
A: There's always a smile on your face. And you talk much more
  than before. May I know the reasons?
B: It's just that I've got my article published in the newspaper.
- 我看你最近很高兴。
- 你怎么知道的?
- 你脸上总带笑,话也比以前多了。能告诉我是什么原因吗?
- 因为我的文章在报上发表了。

Attending a Birthday Party

A: Hello, Jack. It's good of you to come.
B: The pleasure is mine. Happy birthday and many happy returns of
  the day!
A: Thank you, Jack. To be frank, I'd rather forget my birthday.
B: Don't be silly.
- 你好,Jack!您能来太好了。
- 我也很高兴,祝你生日快乐!
- 谢谢,Jack。坦白说我宁愿忘记自己的生日。
- 别犯傻了!

A: Mary, today is a great day for you.
B: How nice of you to remember!
A: Oh, here's a little token of my affection.
B: You're so thoughtful. Thank you.
- Mary,今天可是你的好日子!
- 你真好,还记得我的生日。
- 对了,送你这件小礼物作为友谊的表示吧。
- 你想的真周到,谢谢!

A: Let's have a toast to celebrate Mary's birthday. Happy
B: Your health!
C: Please accept my hearty congratulations!
Mary: Thank you!
- 咱们为Mary的生日干杯,生日快乐!
- 祝你健康长寿!
- 请接受我最衷心的祝愿!
- 谢谢。

A: How are you making out?
B: I'm doing fine. Don't mind me. It's a wonderful party. Everyone
  is enjoying himself.
A: I hope so. Thank you again for your delightful gift.
B: Don't mention it.
- 你怎么样?玩得开心吗?
- 很好,别照顾我了。生日晚会很成功,每人都很尽兴。
- 但愿如此,再次感谢你那精美的礼物。
- 别客气

1. 他节衣缩食,借以资助女友完成学业。
He led a frugal life with a view to supporting his girlfriend to complete her studies.

2. 他宽恕了他那不走正道的兄弟,借以维持手足知情。
He forgave his good-for-nothing brother for the purpose of maintaining brotherhood.

3. 信上奉献小诗一首,借以表露对卿之爱意。
Here in this letter, I affectionately offer thee a little poem, so as to express my tender passion for thee.

1. 双方所持态度截然不同。
Attitudes adopted by both sides are entirely (or, completely) different.

2. 他们对此事的看法截然不同。
Their opinion about the matter are poles apart.

3. 动机和效果是截然分不开的。
Motive is absolutely inseparable from effect.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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