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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Only older Apex AD 1200 DVD players play VCDs. If yours does not have a "VCD/CD" indicator light on the front, you have a newer model and VCD play has been disabled. When I went to Circuit City around here they had 20 newer and two odler ones in stock...
I bought an Apex AD 1200 (a week ago) that is an "old" model. Look at the box and ask for an Apex AD 1200 that does not have the yellow Kodak sticker. Alternatively if on the picture on the retail box you can see the "VCD" indicator light, you are fine and it will play VCDs.

The reason APEX removed this support (according to an e-mail from their PR department) is because Phillips wanted $4 per player for VCD licensing, and Apex didn't feel like that was appropriate, so they ditched VCD support. BUT, they left in SVCD. One thing you can do to get around this if you have VCDs already burned and re-encoding the video (though keeping the bitrate lower to make it fit) is not convenient, is to use TMPEGEnc to demux the video, then remux it as MPEG-2 SVCD, then use Nero to burn it as a non-standard SVCD. The AD- 1200 will play such a disc without hassle, so this should be OK for most people.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / futureshop有一款DVD, apex1200的, 才89, bestbuy boxing day时59. 想这东西便宜,就准备弄一个给孩子放什么迪斯尼呀国内带过来的vcd..网站上写支持vcd, 今天碰到一国人sales, 提醒喔不支持vcd...k! 居然有这事,买了的哥们给说说
    • 别听他HC。不但支持VCD,还支持JPEG,我现在用它看图片呢!
      • apex1200?
        • Yes
    • 我的是从中国带来了, 全区DVD, SVCD, VCD, CD, CD-R, CD-RW, MP3都支持, 不支持RM.
      • apex 1200?
        • 新科DVD
    • apex1200有两款,其中之一可以去掉区位码,所以要看清楚了再买。你可以用google查找"apex 1200 region hack"就有很多文章告诉你如何做了
      • k, mm骗我, 估计就想给我留下个深刻印象...dvdhelp上面好像都是说要看firmware的版本...哪里有的看?
        • 在机外是看不到的,只能按下述操作,若出现region setup菜单就对了。其实也不用担心,买回家试试,不行就退了。mm介绍的电器知识你也相信,你还敢说是电子专家?
          1. Eject the disc tray

          2. Push 8 4 2 1 on the remote.

          3. This reveals the Region and Macrovision setup screen.

          4. Push "ENTER" on the remote to select the Region.
          Select '9' for Region Bypass.

          5. To save the settings, close the disc tray.
          • 收到. 刚才在vcdhelp上也大致看了下...呵呵,谢谢,不行就退了.
      • 完了,他们自己网站上都说不支持
        • 看你买到哪个版本的1200,旧版本的支持,新版本的为了不交$4的专利费所以不支持vcd。还是一句话,买回来试试。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Only older Apex AD 1200 DVD players play VCDs. If yours does not have a "VCD/CD" indicator light on the front, you have a newer model and VCD play has been disabled. When I went to Circuit City around here they had 20 newer and two odler ones in stock...
          I bought an Apex AD 1200 (a week ago) that is an "old" model. Look at the box and ask for an Apex AD 1200 that does not have the yellow Kodak sticker. Alternatively if on the picture on the retail box you can see the "VCD" indicator light, you are fine and it will play VCDs.

          The reason APEX removed this support (according to an e-mail from their PR department) is because Phillips wanted $4 per player for VCD licensing, and Apex didn't feel like that was appropriate, so they ditched VCD support. BUT, they left in SVCD. One thing you can do to get around this if you have VCDs already burned and re-encoding the video (though keeping the bitrate lower to make it fit) is not convenient, is to use TMPEGEnc to demux the video, then remux it as MPEG-2 SVCD, then use Nero to burn it as a non-standard SVCD. The AD- 1200 will play such a disc without hassle, so this should be OK for most people.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • APEX是伤害产,有些甚至支持全区。mp3/vcd is out of question.
      • 是 "上海产". 小人他用的是拼音输入法.