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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

打开连接,有详细介绍。此JOURNAL于1883年成立,现任总编是美国波士顿大学的HOWARD BAUCHNER先生。此JOURNAL 以英语,法语及西班牙语在全世界范围内出版。

JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association is a peer-reviewed medical journal published 48 times a year by the American Medical Association covering all aspects of the biomedical sciences. It publishes original research and reviews, as well as ancillary content (such as abstracts of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report). The journal was established in 1883 with Nathan Smith Davis as the founding editor. The journal's current editor-in-chief is Howard Bauchner of Boston University, who succeeded Catherine DeAngelis on July 1, 2011.[1] The journal has English, French, and Spanish language editions.[2]

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 【天天吃鱼油的同学,请注意。】美国之Journal of the American Medical Association调查报告说, 大家都认为鱼油对防止心脏病及心智/脑力下降(cognitive decline)有帮助,但研究结果发现,这些认为是没有事实依据的。

    “Rich in the beneficial fatty acid omega-3, fish oils are popularly believed to be effective for heart diseases. However, no hard evidence has been said to clinically prove this.
    Another popularly believed health benefit found in fish oil supplements is their ability to slow down cognitive decline. Like the said benefits in heart disease, no hard evidence was found to clinically prove this.”
    • 不懂就问: 这本杂志权威/可靠性如何?
      • 打开连接,有详细介绍。此JOURNAL于1883年成立,现任总编是美国波士顿大学的HOWARD BAUCHNER先生。此JOURNAL 以英语,法语及西班牙语在全世界范围内出版。
        JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association is a peer-reviewed medical journal published 48 times a year by the American Medical Association covering all aspects of the biomedical sciences. It publishes original research and reviews, as well as ancillary content (such as abstracts of the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report). The journal was established in 1883 with Nathan Smith Davis as the founding editor. The journal's current editor-in-chief is Howard Bauchner of Boston University, who succeeded Catherine DeAngelis on July 1, 2011.[1] The journal has English, French, and Spanish language editions.[2]
        • 不知道过几天会不会又说它 有用呢~~
          • 虽然心脏病医生说,吃OMEGA-3的鸡蛋没用,得不到啥OMEGA-3,但是我还是吃。不过我现在吃OMEGA-3的鸡蛋不是为了身体健康,而是为了吃而吃了。反正都是蛋,吃这个吃那个,都差不多。
            • 你这么年轻, 吃啥都没问题~~~我父母都在吃OMEGA-3 保健品, 要是真没用就不吃了~~
              • 因为买习惯了OMEGA-3鸡蛋,所以,没打算换。反正吃了没副作用,只是没正作用而已。不过。我从来不吃鱼油,我爸妈吃,公婆吃,他们还接着吃。
      • 这下好了,可以不被逼吃鱼了 lol
        • 上次我的心脏病医生说,OMEGA-3的鸡蛋吃了也没用。现在的专家似乎认为:不用吃这吃哪儿,只要吃好饭,营养充足不偏食,就行了。鱼要吃。但不要吃太多。
          • 小声问一句,你怎么会有“心脏病医生”。
            • 管不着。
              • I mean, everybody deserves to have one too, otherwise it wouldn't be fair.
                • 你没有?大吃一惊呢。你真的没有?
                  • 我只有家庭医生。没有专门的“心脏病医生”。
                    • 你可以要求有的。你自己不要求,不怪我。
              • 练跆拳道太刺激了
                • 谢一针见血。武先生连我有医生他都嫉妒,没天理了。
            • 都是被你们吓的呗
              • 幸好是免费,不然要ROLIA给我付医疗费呢。
              • LOL~~ 小北他们罪大了~
                • 她成天若隐若现的把我们弄出心脏病了
                  • 我有点儿空就来这里了,很自觉很雷锋。你很隐隐约约,我上周开始到昨儿,基本没见到你。
        • 不好说, 再等一些时候吧~~~:)
    • 还好,如果那天说吃荤不利健康,好多人就惨了。
      • 这个我才不听呢,生命短暂,我接着做肉食动物。现在的科学也不知道该不该信了,反正一天一个报告出来,完全是侧脸我们的心里质素呢。
        • LOL