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Islington Woods

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Islington Woods offers the Viva Bus service and is in close proximity to all the Major highways such as Hwy 7, Hwy 27, Hwy 400, Hwy 407 and Hwy 427.

National Golf ClubIf you’re looking to have some fun with family and friends or just enjoy natures finest, Boyd park (Boyd Conservation Area) and Kortright Centre for Conservation is a great place to unwind and have a BBQ or perhaps take in the scenery with one of its many walking trails. There are plenty of other parks in the area as well: Kiloran Park, Doctors Mclean District Park, Maxey Park, Woodbridge Highlands Park, Vaughan Mills Park, Crofters Park and Grahams Forest. Some of the most well kept golf courses around are nearby as well, namely The National Golf Club, Board of Trade Country Club and Copper Creek Golf Club. For those looking to improve their golf driving and mini golf skills or just to have a good time while enjoying the outdoors, feel free to stop by Harry Putter Driving range and Mini Golf. Al Palladini Community Centre and Woodbridge Pool and Memorial Arena are in close proximity as well.

To meet your everyday shopping needs, Longos, Fortino’s, Highland Farms & Vaughan Mills Mall are within 5 mins away. Their are plenty of high profiled Restaurants, Dessert Cafes, Bars & clubs, Wineries & Breweries and Culinary Events are all nearby for everyone to enjoy as well.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 浅析Vellore Village +7
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛考虑到觅巢这个版块的有口诛笔伐的传统 ,在具体谈Vellore Village这个区, 和所谓的自夸自擂前,我先做一下背景介绍。 希望免去些无意或有心的误导。我自2011年搬入这个小区,不长不短住了有5个年头了。而且在可预见的将来,也没有要挪地方的打算。 文中Vellore Village 的地理位置指的是南起Rutherford 北至 Major Mac,东临 Westerb 西止 Pine Valley 大概一个正方形的地段。


    大家买房子,都想着在可支付的范围内,买到各个方面最合心意的房子。对大多数人来说,买房子的开销,可能是一辈子最大的一笔支出。从这点上,小心,谨慎甚至挑剔都无可非议。购房考量的大方面,无非是对 地理位置,社区的物理环境,人文环境以及教育环境的纵横,综合对比,衡量。

    1 首先是地理位置:咱老祖宗讲究风水,简化的来说。就是聚不聚人气,合不合地气,犯不犯天气。对于上班族来说,地理位置还要加入通勤这个非常现实的考虑因素。其实就聚人气来说,个人觉得网上列的一系列热点小区,半斤八两,人气都挺旺,所以没有太大的差异。通勤的难易是我买房前考虑的一个重点。

    在Vellore Village, 若是在Down Town上班,坐GO TRIAN比较方便,早上10-15分钟车程到MAPLE的Go Train 车站,35 -40分钟可从MAPLE到UNION STATION。若是开车走 Highway 400,那就和你出门的时间段直接相关了。 一般7:20左右出门。从400 South 开到 Willson 地铁站差不离30多分钟,从Willson 地铁再到市区内各个地方, 时间上基本就可以掌控了。

    Vellore Village还有一个非常利好的情况就是地铁2017年底将通至 Jane和Highway 7 的交口 , 距离小区只有三个Block, 10-15分钟的车程。地铁通车必将将大大缓解400的通勤压力,同时更方便小区和市区内,甚至东边Scarborough地区的交通往来。

    若是在西边上班,401 West 早上情况和拥堵不堪的401 East 真是云泥之别,401 West 早上道路基本通畅。不过,晚上回程401和400都会有些堵。

    2 社区的物理环境: 这无非是小区各种配套的硬件设施,包括绿地,图书馆,活动中心,购物,规划等等。这方面,虽然涉及的点很多。却是最好衡量的。周末开辆 车,到心仪 并预算允许的小区转几次,就能有个八九不离十的判断。

    坛子上关于vellore village小区的文章不多。但只要提到的,比较统一的看法就是这个小区的环境很不错。也许小区主要族裔意大利人的传统,家家户户的草地和花园都修的很精致。我本人比较视觉化,早先去北边玩,临时在小区附近的加油站加油。对当地社区园艺有惊艳的感觉,初印象很好。这也是我当时入户的一个起因。

    发现有些网友对Vellore Village 小区规划的诟病主要是个挤字。客观讲,小区里中占绝大多数的中产独立房 (1 -1.2 米)相对于老社区来说,确实小些。这个问题是现今地产开发上最大化逐利的客观存在。整个大多地区都是如此,并不限于Vellore Village。 Lot 的大小和您预算是直接相关的。小区内靠近自然保护区的一角 (Pine Valley),有超过百尺的大独立房 。若有2-4米的预算,也未尝是个好的选择。只是三米多的投入,我倒更愿意去市内的小区淘淘了。

    说购物,Vaugh Mill, Costco,National 一个大型中式超市进在咫尺,小区边上新进开了Wal_Mart, Home Depot......。客观的讲,购物环境是是我去过不少小区中最好的。 同时旺市唯一,也是现今大多地区规划中,配备最好的医院的基建今年也正式动工了。医院的位置离小区不远不近,两个block 加一条400高速。五六分钟的车程。对我而言是Perfect Location。

    社区中心的设施也比较新,齐备。小区内今年还会添建图书馆。(其实旺市新盖的中心图书馆离小区也不远。10-15分钟的车程)综上所述,对于比较在乎主观感受,而又预算有限的中产家庭来说。Vellore Village 的物理环境是很不错的

    下篇再谈谈人文和教育环境更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 很好的地区,实际根本不挤,挤不挤,取决于你肯出多少银子,如果不想挤在“清华”区,这区是一个很好的选择,购物交通都方便,各家房子前院都打扮得漂漂亮亮。 +1
      • 说Vellore Village挤是相对Vaughan其他区而言, +2
        这区是建成较晚的一个区,房子新是优点,但lot size小,而且town house 及semi 居多,小区马路窄,人口密度大,这个从Google map就可以看到。另外,Vollore Village的社区中心停车场是Vaughan最大的,而停车场车位是根据人口来设计的。
    • 顶一个。但想指出一点,未来Vaughan Metro地铁站(hwy&Jane)没有停车位的,您得开到下一站(407)去停车。 +2
      • metro有啊!只是没有407站停车位多,407是3层的停车场。
        • 蒸的吗?请提供信息出处。好像TTC官网上明说没有的。
    • 我也喜欢这区,意大利人很会打理房子和花园,我也正在这里找房子。只是不知道这里的高中如何?期待下篇。 +2
      • Vellore Village 的意大利人并不多,意大利人多居住在东西Woodbridge,以Woodbridge Avenue为中心. VV 的小学ESL率都比较高,因此此区以新移民居多,另外,VV东面有一个清真寺及两个伊斯兰社区中心,伊斯兰人口比例也比较高。
        • 我不知道你是无心误导呢,还是什么目的。加拿大关于小区人口普查的统计数据如下。看看你说的有没有丝毫的数据支持

          1. Italian 19,925 49.4%
          2. East Indian 2,720 6.7%
          3. English 2,365 5.9%
          4. Portuguese 1,840 4.6%
          5. Irish 1,725 4.3%
          6. Scottish 1,710 4.2%
          7. Chinese 1,205 3.0%
          8. Polish 985 2.4%
          9. Vietnamese 980 2.4%
          10. German 930 2.3%
          11. Spanish 795 2.0%
          12. Greek 735 1.8%
          13. Pakistani 695 1.7%
          14. French 690 1.7%
          15. Iraqi 570 1.4%
          16. Ukrainian 560 1.4%
          17. Assyrian 545 1.4%
          18. Filipino 525 1.3%
          19. Dutch 500 1.2%
          20. Croatian 480 1.2%
          21. Iranian 460 1.1%
          22. Russian 450 1.1%
          23. Turk 440 1.1%
          24. Macedonian 415 1.0%
          25. Romanian 390 1.0%
          26. Sri Lankan 370 0.9%
          27. Korean 320 0.8%
          28. Black 240 0.6%
          29. Egyptian 235 0.6%
          30. Hungarian 220 0.5%
          31. Maltese 210 0.5%
          32. Afghan 205 0.5%
          33. Belgian 195 0.5%
          34. Nigerian 175 0.4%
          35. Albanian 170 0.4%
          36. Tamil 150 0.4%
          37. Kurd 140 0.3%
          38. Arab 135 0.3%
          • 沒有人口统计支持,个人感觉,你去discovery P. S.看看就知道了,如果你认为有穆斯林会影响房价话,我向你道歉。
            • 哈哈,看你的贴子就知道是个凭感觉发帖的主了。所以也内容也没有什么可信度。

              至于你贴中什么大多数是Semi, TownHouse感觉论点,我也懒得回应,更是不值得一驳。这我说过, 这方面的情况,周末开辆 车,到心仪 并预算允许的小区转几次,就能有个八九不离十的判断。

              你言之凿凿的把和vellore village一街之隔说Pine Valley豪宅区说是区域在Rutherford 南,Lanstaff北,Western西,Pine Valley 东,已经不属于Vollore Village了。这本没有错。 却把坐落在Vaughan Mill商业区内的Vaughan Islamic Community Centre办公室代入小区,不知是何用意, 至于你的道歉之说,只能更显出你的小人之心

              • 我说几句你不爱听的,就变成小人了。我弯曲事实,你贴子里面有几句事实。举个简单例子,地铁站离你十万八千里,也算你利好,还十分钟车程,十分钟你能出小区就不错了。
                • 说句公道话,还算比较近的,出vv小区,马上可以上400高速,然后hwy7下。10-15分钟不算吹牛 :-)
                  • 具体车程看住在哪里,如果住在小区东面,上下班一长串车等几个停牌,没有十分钟, 出不了小区。如果靠近weston, 10分钟可以到jane/hwy7。但这里一直在修路,下高速很堵。我一直是从weston/ package parkway 绕过去。
              • 再说医院,先不说你从哪里打听来的这是大多最先进的医院。医院能是利好吗?天天听救护车叫,400上下major本来就堵,医院一建,彻底堵死。
              • 你贴子里把Vaughan Mills 都揽过去为你贴金。我一说伊斯兰社区中心,立刻就撇清和Vaughan Mills的关系了,我也成了别有用心。
              • 我说有清真寺,穆斯林在这个区,你立刻就嚷嚷百万豪宅不容易,然后翻出一个不知是何出处的统计数据,关键是统计数据有宗教信仰吗?没有!
          • 说到人口统计,我大致找了找: +1
            Vellore Village community has a population of 40,310, consisting of 19,925 males and 20,380 females. 37,655 people in Vellore Village community are Canadian citizen, 14,105 immigrants and 395 people with a non-resident status.
            Total Population 61,926
        • 在这个区里沒有看到清真寺,倒有一个很漂亮的天主教堂,当初误认为是清真寺,实地考察才发现不是清真寺,是天主教堂。
          • 像清真寺的多是东正教堂
          • Baitul Islam Mosque
            • And Vaughan Islamic Community Center, And Vaughan Islamic Information Center 都在VV 东部,认识一个巴基斯坦朋友住在附近
              • 查了下地图,你搞错地方了吧。Vellore Village是在weston西面,你说的discovery P.S, 还有各个穆斯林场所全都在400东面,那片叫Maple。 +1
                • 你搞错了,VV是以Jane为界
                  • 请看清楚主贴楼主勾勒的范围
                    • Vellore Village is a community in Vaughan located in central Vaughan. It is within the North/South border of Teston Rd and Rutherford Rd and East/West border of Pine Valley Dr and Jane St. The surrounding neighbourhoods include Kleinburg,
                      Sonoma Heights, Islington woods, East Woodbridge, Maple and Rural Vaughan
                • 我也认为 Vellor village 以 weston rd. 为界,discovery ps那片是 Maple 没错, 相对V V要便宜。
                  • 所以说楼主在误导,请看如下连接:
                    • 楼主哪里误导啦?人家明明有说"文中Vellore Village 的地理位置指的是南起Rutherford 北至 Major Mac,东临 Westerb 西止 Pine Valley 大概一个正方形的地段" .
                      • 在这个区域住过的人一般都知道,vv 是以weston 为中心分东西两部分,东到jane , 西到 pine valley. 如果楼主不是误导,为什么不加,east vellore village.
                    • 好像是HWY400为界
                      • 你这个是选区,请google " vellore village boundaries" + images
                        • TREB 定义的边界,应该是准确的了 (选COMMUNITIES)
                          • TREB 的定义 和 我说的一样阿,东面以jane为 界限。清真寺和伊斯兰中心全在里面。我这里提一下,只不过是提醒一下大家,别被人忽悠买了房子以后,才发现周围邻居全周五做礼拜。
      • Sorry, I cannot type in Chinese at the moment. A new high school Tommy Douglas S.S. was build in 2015 for this community. Its current ranking is 108/676.
        • 欢迎印胞!
          • 不明白为啥对印度人那么有偏见。我家左右邻居都是印巴人,前后院整得一点都不比意大利人差。我家前院铺砖道时,邻居主动打电话让我去她家车道上停车。过去早上出门遇见,都是她招呼我乘她车一起去GO车站。
            • 就是! 认识的印胞多数不错。
              • 比白人好多了,我历任的2任邻居都是印度的,不过还是不建议和印度的做邻居,因为你卖房的时候人家会看到你邻居肤色而不喜欢,对,人就是种族歧视的。
      • 欢迎到Sonoma height 来考察, 也是很好的社区。 意大利人多。 小区很漂亮。 住这里几年了, 很喜欢。 价钱相对便宜一些。 +2
        • 那个区也很不错。427北进完成,和Marjor Mac扩路后,交通都会更方便。再往北点的kleinburg,也是非常贵的社区了 +2
    • 我记得pine valley从langstaff往上是个死胡同,豪宅区,进大铁门还要开500米才到宅子的那种。。10几年前的百万豪宅。。现在百万只能住工人新村。。 +1
      • 是的,里面都是庄园!就是你看见一排小栏杆,然后大耗子在几百米远的小山坡上,周围就是像高尔夫球场样的草地,树和花园。。。我怀疑是所谓的皇家保留地。
        • 那个区域在Rutherford 南,Lanstaff北,Western西,Pine Valley 东,已经不属于Vollore Village了 +1
          • 当然不是。 +1
      • 对, Pine Valley 在高尔夫球场的这段豪宅区断开了。过了豪宅区,又接上Vellore Village +1
        • 你说得不对了,Google 一下boundary,Rutherford以南,Western以西,都是east Woodbridge +1
    • 太好了谢谢楼主,正好想多知道那边的一些消息呢
      • 下面的内容摘自一个网站,我觉得挺客观的。
        Vellore Village offers 3 major types of homes for first time home buyers, growing families, senior citizens and those looking to downsize to smaller houses which include; Detached houses (2 storey homes or bungalows), Semi detached houses and Townhouses. The neighbourhood of Vellore Village is a relatively new area compared to the older parts of Woodbridge and has consistently been strong in terms of the increasing property Values. With Home prices still continuing to inch their way upward, buying and selling homes in this area have again proven to be a sound investment for Investors. Their have been many new Home delopements and subdivisions from new home builders being built in recent years which makes this area extremely popular by many.
        • Kleinburg 介绍 +2
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Kleinburg is considered one of the most prestigious areas in Vaughan. Most of the people who reside in Kleinburg bring in above average incomes. It is a beautiful village with many heritage and historical landmarks. Once you drive up on Islington Ave and drive past Major Mackenzie Dr you will immediately notice the difference in the surroundings. Kleinburg is comprised of small sections of hilly and beautiful landscapes between the 2 branches of the Humber river. The Localized area in which most people reside in is between Hwy 27 on the west side and Stegman’s Mill on the East side. Kleinburg’s historical commercial district contains many well preserved heritage buildings and now is expanding to many new developments with mixed uses between commercial and residential uses. Their are plenty of new home developments in the works as well. Their are many small pockets in Kleinburg that are priced well over a Million dollars because this village is continually being developed by many new home builders and home developers as we speak.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Sonoma Heights +2
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sonoma Heights offers the Viva Bus service and is in close proximity to all the Major highways such as Hwy 7, Hwy 27, Hwy 400, Hwy 407 and Hwy 427.

          For a taste of some Art and Culture, the McMichaels Canadian Art Collection can be found just a few minutes north in Kleinburg. Some festivals include; Binder Twine Festival, TRCA Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival at the Kortright Conservation Centre. If Golf is your passion you will be please to know that Sonoma heights is near some of the most well kept courses around, namely; Cooper Creek Golf Club, The National Golf Club, Board of Trade Country Club. For those looking to improve their golf driving and mini golf skills or just to have a good time while enjoying the outdoors, feel free to stop by Harry Putter Driving range and Mini Golf.

          sonoma heights water parkTheir are plenty of Parks, walking trails, Community Centre’s and recreational facilities for the whole family to enjoy such as Boyd Park, Kortright Centre for Conservation, Tammy Breda Park, Sonoma Heights Community park, Via Verde Park, Sunset Ridge Park, Humber Valley Parkette, Napa Valley Park, Al Palladini Community Centre, Vellore Village Community Centre, Woodbridge Pool & Memorial Arena and the Humber Trail along the East Humber River.

          To meet your everyday shopping needs and; Longos, Fortino’s, Highland farms Vaughan Mills Mall are within 5 mins away. Their are plenty of high profiled Restaurants, Cafes, Sweets, Bars & clubs, Wineries & Breweries and Culinary Events are all nearby for everyone to enjoy as well.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Islington Woods
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Islington Woods offers the Viva Bus service and is in close proximity to all the Major highways such as Hwy 7, Hwy 27, Hwy 400, Hwy 407 and Hwy 427.

          National Golf ClubIf you’re looking to have some fun with family and friends or just enjoy natures finest, Boyd park (Boyd Conservation Area) and Kortright Centre for Conservation is a great place to unwind and have a BBQ or perhaps take in the scenery with one of its many walking trails. There are plenty of other parks in the area as well: Kiloran Park, Doctors Mclean District Park, Maxey Park, Woodbridge Highlands Park, Vaughan Mills Park, Crofters Park and Grahams Forest. Some of the most well kept golf courses around are nearby as well, namely The National Golf Club, Board of Trade Country Club and Copper Creek Golf Club. For those looking to improve their golf driving and mini golf skills or just to have a good time while enjoying the outdoors, feel free to stop by Harry Putter Driving range and Mini Golf. Al Palladini Community Centre and Woodbridge Pool and Memorial Arena are in close proximity as well.

          To meet your everyday shopping needs, Longos, Fortino’s, Highland Farms & Vaughan Mills Mall are within 5 mins away. Their are plenty of high profiled Restaurants, Dessert Cafes, Bars & clubs, Wineries & Breweries and Culinary Events are all nearby for everyone to enjoy as well.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • East Woodbridge, 就是有一个豪宅区的
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛ast Woodbridge is one of the original areas of Vaughan and has a good mixture of average households and highly prestigious households. 2 areas which should be noted as above average income households are The National Estates and Weston Downs. In these areas you will find many luxury sizeddetached homes and luxury mansions bordering The National Golf Club. East Woodbridge offers 3 types of homes for first time home buyers, Young Families, growing families needing to upgrade, senior citizens and those looking to downsize to smaller houses which include; Detached houses (2 storey homes or bungalows, Bungalofts, Raised Bungalows), Semi Detached Homes, Townhouses, and Townhomes. Since the early development of this area, home prices have been increasing steadily and have been noted as a solid and sound real estate investment for many investors who are interested in buying and selling homes. When driving through this area you will definitely notice that their is a constant slew of homes with home renovation projects underway along with many custom home development projects as well. These projects keep the area revitalized and keep the market in a positive upswing for homeowners and investors.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 这个描述和评价确实很客观准确,而且很全面,住Sonoma Height多年,感觉和描述的非常吻合,真的很庆幸当年的选择。 +2
      • 在woodbridge 生活过很长时间,看房也看了很久,我个人感觉: Sonoma Heights 和Listington Woods 综合感觉最好,Kleinburg 太远,Vollore Village太挤,而且还有新盘在推出,East Woodbridge 最方便, West Woodbridge 意大利人太多,靠近martin Grove /hwy7 太乱。 +2
        • 对Kleinburg很喜欢,从我们住的Sonoma Height开车过去也就两三分钟,夏天周末经常过去,看看博物馆,走走Trail或者坐在街边晒太阳喝咖啡,一呆就一下午,看着满街开心的人群,晒着暖洋洋的太阳,真的很享受 +2
        • 说的很客观。在VV看房时,主路边上的房子感觉还不错,房子大,绿化也做的很好。可进到小街,感觉太挤了,有不少 semi和town。Sonoma heights整体感觉更好,房价也低一些。 +3
      • 客观的讲, VV 有些房子还不错。但这个小区规划定位了这个区域是针对first home buyer,小lot size,
        大量的 town house 和 semi 使低端买家进入有可能性,而且增加了小区人口,从而降低了整个小区的品质。关于这个小区有多挤,如果有兴趣,可以看看政府的规划,从图上可以看出vv的街道宽度之小,密度之大。