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This nonsense reasoning has been spreading much faster than I thought. :-)


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  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 毛主席教导我们说:要感恩,不要抱怨;要勉励自己,不要苛求对方。
    US president John Kennedy stole the idea and said: "Think not what your country can do for ya; think what you can do for your country!"

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. appealed:

    I have a dream that one day on this family forum of Rolia the husbands and wifes will be able to treat each other as a real family -- without attaching conditions to their love.

    I have a dream that instead of worrying about how to aspire their spouses into better ones in their self-serving standards, they will contemplating about how to become a better husband and wife themselves -- and in case they can't, at least leave their spouse more time and space.

    I have a dream that every family will be a healing harbour instead of a battlefield. Don't make war, make love!
    • Are you OK?
      • Yes. Are you?:-)
        • Not really. Too hot in the downtown CORE. Seeing so many cops makes my eyes tired....
          • just watch, don't feed them.
            • No for sure. there are poeple will.
    • 你想自欺欺人?
      • Are you OK?
        • are you really ok...... ...... ??? ???
          • Is oktalk ok:-)?
    • haha. That is so cool and so funny. " I have a dream........self-serve ......... making love instead of making war.
    • 其实不让家人吵架就是犯罪,毒素需要有渠道发泄出去。
      • 老猫有此经验?
      • Reasonable. Everyone needs to vent -- but it may not be a good idea to pick the loved one as washroom though. :-)
        • Does it mean that if you picked someone to vent, this person is not your loved one?
          • I would picked myself -- self-healing when I am feeling down/blue. All that requires is to be let alone for some moments.
            • Go to a buddhist temple to pray in peace would be a good solution too:-).
              Even though your humble Buddha is likely to be asent at those times. :-)
            • 你拉倒吧。VENT啥意思?let me tell ya: a point where magma penetrates the Earth's surface and becomes lava. 这玩意儿不带自产自销的。
              • Are you OK?
        • 有的人在外面好得很,可是对家里人不好,理由是白天装了一天了为什么回到家还要装,还有的人在外面很横,可是对家里人好得不得了。是天生的吗?
          • This nonsense reasoning has been spreading much faster than I thought. :-)
            • 你的nonsense reasoning指的是什么?
          • 同感!十几年来观察,有这现象,不一定100%, 但站绝大部分。也许每个人都要找到发泄自己或显示自己能力的地方吧!
            • (#6146497@0)
          • 没错就是天生的。对家里人横的都是诺夫,有种的都只对别人横。
            • Chinese invented the terms "懦夫" and "悍妇" because they considered these odd ones. On the other hand, people seldom complained about "悍夫" or "懦妇". :-)
              Like it or not -- it makes sense -- Hormone determines. :-)
              • 歪理
    • 俺也来一段 :)
      Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
      Love the people who treat you right.
      Forget about the ones who don't.
      Believe everything happens for a reason.
      If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
      If it changes your life, let it.
      Nobody said life would be easy.
      They just promised it would be worth it.
      • The best one I ever see. Thanks for sharing.
      • Well said!
    • 牛人英文家常理短,没读,支持贴
      • That English is GOOD.
        • 读了,本不想动脑子的,,果然是牛人啊,他是上海人吧
          • Just curious, how did I earn the label? :-)
            • 前不久看到一片文字要和上海人做朋友等文字,说上海人会一分不少的拿到所有政府的福利,英文能力也是比其他的地方来的人进化的最好最快,融入社会最好,你不就是很符合这个框框阿
              • 您太抬举上海人了:-)
              • 捧得我忍不住拿上海话夸你一句:。。。港督!
    • 最擅长斗争的老毛何时说这样的话了,把斗死人还没完,还要纠其祖孙三代,继续斗争。他这种用嘴杀人的刽子手,说几句虚伪的善话,你都当真,那你可以拜我为活菩萨,因为我比毛就象天和地的差别。