如果老人本身就有这种病应该买什么保险?No insurance will cover this. This is not an insurable event if you know it in advance.
According to 21th century's policy, if the condition is stable, and the insured person is yonger than70, it's covered automatically. if the condition is stable but the insured person is older than 70, you need to buy more expensive policy.
这个案例,投保人负全责。从文中看出,非常清楚:“从去年11月至今年5月,周晓东共花了903元保费,连续为父亲购买了21 Centrry (现被Manualife 收购)的每份保期为一个月的7份短期访问保险。”,“周晓东所买的保单中规定,该保险不负责赔偿从保单生效之日起的前180天之内所呈现的任何病症和身体受伤等(any sickness, disease or bodily injury)...
问题是:12份月报单,对应于一份年报单,对保险公司还是对投保人有利? - One month Renewable is cheaper than buy one year policy. Several dollars a month.